Multitech Infomedia provides network construction such as Fiber Optic construction, which consist of Outside Plant (OSP) and Inside Plant (ISP), and or wireless media communication. In network construction Multitech can handle end to end construction processes such as: survey, SITAC, installation of lastmile, etc.
We also provide Telecommunication network infrastructure, such as Signal repeater and GSM/CDMA Tower construction.

Some examples of our projects are:
- JT FO Telkomsel batch 3 Kutoarjo Magelang (Dungus, Kedungagung, Purwosari, Wingko Mulyo) tahun 2014
- JT FO node B Telkomsel batch 3 Yogya (Srikayangan , Gedangsari ) tahun 2014
- JT FO Masriadi art foundation tahun 2014
- JT FO Mamsat Prambanan+Bawaslu tahun 2014
- JT FO Medianet sbl blok o +sbl Parangtritis tahun 2014
- JT FO Mataram city, BPSS Kulon Progo, hotel Cityone, perum Citra Garden, Alfaria Pengasih & Sentolo tahun 2014
- JT FO KPN Wates tahun 2014
- JT FTTH Magelang tahun 2014
- FTTH ( Fiber To The Home ) Apartment Serpong Greenview, Build and manage service ( 2014 – now )
- FTTH Apartment AKASA Sinarmasland Jakarta ( 2018 – now ), Build and manage service
- Collocation Data Center for some Big IT company such as Global Transit Malaysia, N’osairis Technology Malaysia, Unicharm, ISATNET, Digital satelit Indonesia, etc.
U900 XL Axiata ( kalimantan, sulawesi, sumatera ) - XL Axiata Fiberization, FO backbone ( WEST, JABO, CENTRAL, EAST ) 2018 onwards
- etc